Mission Statement
Laghoo seeks to promote the “different” in Arabic literature by publishing new styles of creative writing that tackle the expression of pleasure, and sacred figures and texts.
Laghoo will encourage fresh approaches that lively up language,and experiment with vocabulary and structure.
-Laghoo seeks to promote new and fresh voices in Arabic literature by translating their work into English. Laghoo will also translate taboo-breaking literature from around the world into Arabic.
We hope that this mission statement will lay out foundation for new dynamics in Arabic Thought and Literature
Laghoo is an Arabic word for twitter, chatter, and tittle-tattle. It has it’s origins in Logha, which is “Language” in Arabic and Logos which is “word,” “speech,” “account,” or “reason” in Greek. Heraclitus [ca. 535–475 BC] used the term for the principle of order and knowledge
Publish at Laghoo

A Moment in Ramallah / John Berger
Orientalism is a cultural and a political fact / Edward Said
Befriending Edward Said